When students participate in commercial art courses, package design instruction is usually required. The reason is evident: Creative packaging compels shoppers to spend more, change brands and buy on impulse. Powerful stuff. If you are in the market for a creative packaging solution to get your product line out of the shadows and into the sunshine, it pays to shop around. New technology and materials are introduced every day: Some safeguard products while others glamorize consumer goods, as evidenced by emerging packaging designs that are anything but mainstream.
Cosmetic Packaging Resources specializes in attention-getting outer packaging for powders, lipsticks, blush and other products that appeal to women. Whether you are launching a new cosmetics line or looking for innovative ways to re-brand an existing one, turning to a new creative source for your packaging may be the push you need to get your blister packs, cosmetic cases and bottles of facial formulas from the back of the store to an aisle closer to the register. Compare pricing if you want to know whether it makes good sense to move your cosmetics product line to a new packager before you jump in and then make the leap.